Feeling Better

I spent the weekend sick with a bad cold but one of the good things about laying low for a weekend is that I had a chance to read a book!  This book was highly recommended and loaned to me from a friend from church and it was another book that I wouldn't have picked up myself.  It was an intriging read that allowed me to escape from my achy, snotty body for awhile, thank goodness!

Book #2 of 2011 is...
Bel Canto
by Ann Patchett

This book is about a dinner party in a South American country that is taken hostage by a terrorist organization, but the hostage takeover goes ary and the rest of the book is about the days, weeks, months that these two parties spend encamped together.  Slowly the lines between terrorist and terrorized are broken down as everyone realizes the humaness of the other.  This is a book that questions how similar we all are once everything is stripped away and how, perhaps, really getting to know someone is the only way any real peace in this world can ever be achieved.  It was a good "food for thought" book.

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