Simple Things

This year I am trying to focus on the simple things in my life that bring me comfort and joy.  One of the simple things I enjoy is curling up or stretching out with a good book.  Over the years, books have played a part in making me a who I am, they have stretched my empathy, they have helped me to discover new ideas, places, and people, they have made me wiser, and they definately help me unwind.  I am going to keep track again this year of the books that I read, good and bad, and I hope that you will read along with me!  Books are a simple joy that I just can't get enough of.

Book # 1 of 2010 is...
The UnNamed
by Joshua Ferris

This book was a Christmas present from Matt's cousin.  I appreciated this book because it is one that I wouldn't have purchased for myself, but it was a good read.  In this book, a man suffers from a disease that no one else has...he can't stop walking.  It is the story of this man's struggle with his condition but really it is a love story as he and his wife deal with his illness that everyone else dismisses and discredits.  It brings up questions about the seperation of body and soul and it discusses the limits of one's will over one's body, which is something that everyone can relate to.  This was an interesting read that made me think for days afterward.  Thanks Darin for this great gift!

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