True Love

What is true love?
Matt, turning down a SuperBowl party with friends to sit by the fire with me and watch the marathon PBS was running of my FAVORITE show ever, the Britcom "Keeping Up Apperences."
(We switched back and forth with the game, so it was a True Love compromise) Which is what True Love REALLY is.
A healthy between-the-SuperBowl-game-and-a-PBS-marathon balance.
I am so happy to be with a man who appreciates and loves things that I appreciate and love. How awesome to have a partner in all things even the little things.
Besides, who wouldn't love a man with a monkey backpack holding a baby.

Matt and Julia


Scott and Becky Burdick said...

You two are just awesome :) Sweet Matt holding Miss J. Love the picture, and love you guys!

Elizabeth - Skypiedesigns said...

You two know what True Love is also, the little acts of love that mean so much. I love that pic of Matt and Julia too. That was a fun day. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

aahhh. soo sweet.

Suzette said...

I have never doubted why you love Matt. I love him too, not in the same way of course :), but he is so perfect for you! And I love how he loves little kids. He thinks our kids are the funniest, like we do!

Also, I love how you continue to read a book that you hate! You know you are a reader when you follow through! :)

Elizabeth - Skypiedesigns said...

Awww. Isn't it fun to watch your friends find their soulmates. We have chosen well. And your kids ARE the funniest! We both miss them (and you).

You know there are RULES when you read. If you start it, you have to finish it. Besides, sometimes a book can redeem itself in the last few pages, even the last few lines...but not that one.