Following Through

This past weekend I chaperoned a Jr. High Confirmation Retreat at the Lutheran camp, Mt. Cross, in Felton, CA.  I am teaching a confirmation class this year at my church and I committed to this retreat last August but as it drew closer the less I wanted to spend the weekend with a bunch of jr. high kids...I mean really?  But I am trying to stick to my New Year's resolutions and go where the Lord sends me...literally sometimes.  So away I went and I could not have had a more rewarding weekend!

I got to spend the weekend surrounded by 160 wholesome and awesome jr. high kids who really renewed my faith in the next generation.  These kids were kind to each other, they were full of God's light, they were humble and vulnerable and not in love with Justin was SO refreshing! 

I also got to meet the moms (the other chaperons) of these great kids and they were so generous with me about sharing their knowledge and experiences as parents.  Parenting a jr. high girl doesn't have to be the horrible years of parenthood, instead I got to witness bonds between mothers and daughters that was inspiring and gave me hope.  It turned out that spending time with these strong Lutheran moms and being surrounded by these great girls was good for my soul and following through on my commitments was good for me too.  When you go out on a limb (or out of your comfort zone) for God, God will always meet you there and you will be blown away by the view.  Sometimes I just need to remember that.


Suzette said...

I'm so glad you listened to the answer you received in prayer. I love it when I actually listen, it increases my faith, and helps me want to listen again. Line upon line, precept upon precept...

I want to hear all the advice the moms gave you because I need it too!

Brian, Emily, Violet, and Jack said...

Sounds like a wonderful retreat! What a blessing of encouragement for you Elizabeth!