You win some, you lose some

WE HAVE WATER! Alleluia. They have put in a pretty intense sand pump (again, I'm not the person to talk to about the technical aspect of this whole thing...I THINK it's a sand pump, but that probably isn't the technical term) until they can drill us a new well, so we have sand in the water...BUT WE HAVE WATER! The sand sort of freaked me out at first (I wasn't sure if I should be boiling it...until Matt reminded me that boiling water doesn't remove the sand) but it has decreased and I am also getting use to it. We are just grateful for the precious WATER. I am still blown away when I turn on a faucet and it WORKS and it is HOT! What a blessing! But like most things in life, the good comes with the bad.
On the same day that we got water, our beautiful, 30 year old elm tree was GONE WITH THE WINDstorm. I was so sad that I cried for this beautiful old tree. I know that it could have fallen on the house. I know I should be grateful that it didn't, but I was too busy being horrified that the BEST tree at our house was suddenly GONE. If I could have traded water for the tree I would have...and that is saying something. But life doesn't work like that. It gives and it takes. What a bittersweet day.

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